- caring and educating children in partnership with their parents, for over 30 years.
01225 709515
All rooms have their own direct access to the nursery garden.
Outside play is crucial to the learning and development of the children that attend our nursery. It is our strong belief that there is no such thing as 'bad weather' and encourage the children to explore and use the outside space as much as possible.
The garden is spacious and divided between the different age ranges.
Both rooms have their own separate garden spaces, equipped with age appropriate resources. In addition to this there are also areas where the children can free-flow together. We believe that the youngest children can learn so much from those older than them, and likewise encourage the older children to help care for those smaller than them. Developing empathy skills and friendships across the ages.
The nursery has a small store of spare wellies, waterproof all-in-ones and spare suncream and hats for the summer. However we encourage all parents to ensure that these things are provided within children's bags.